Sunday, January 05, 2014

Old Malifaux from the summer.

Okay so I did these over the summer but only remembered I took pics on my cell phone today because I was posting more recent commission work.  So this gal was an extra and I didnt know which crew she belonged to the client didnt even know she was int he sealed box so I went with a neutral paint job.  Her stockings were done by painting the fleshtone as normal then using a wash to delineate where the stockings are.  They are not modeled on the figure.

So the actual crew was the witch-docter old hag and some critter henchmen she has.  She was quite disturbingly topless. ha ha  Those things she's holding and that are animated and standing in front of her look like rough voodoo dolls.  You lose so definition in the pics, they are sloppy and small but you can tell what they are a bit better in person.
 These guys look like swamp creatures with big fish faces. 

This is the big guy, Swamp Thing.  He had all kinds of stuff sticking out of his body which apparently arose from the quagmire swamp itself.  there were bottles, and lily pads, stones, skulls, so I tried to further emphasize this with gloss varnish in spots as well as the grass clumps used on the base were also stuck on his torso too.

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