The question arose that I had not yet detailed my Chapter name, iconography, etc.
As previously stated I am a huge Penn State Nittany Lions fan, and alum. I come from a family of Alum, my brother, mother, and father all graduated from PSU. This has caused me to do a great many things to demonstrate my absolute fanatical loyalty to the school.
Chapter name: Emperor's Pride
colors: Dark Blue and White
Symbol: Paw print

1st Squad's Ultimate Super-fly ride!

The reason I am not starting with 1st squad is because it is already all but finished. The chapter and squad iconography was done with decals. I had
Griffon Games custom make them for me. It was a great deal. $40 or so got me 100 shoulder decals and several different vehicle-sized decals. High quality stuff. The also have a selection of decals that you can get for much cheaper.
Very nice - I remembered talking to you about the GG decals, but didn't know you had ordered them. Roughly how many of each size on a sheet? Or are they individual sheets of various sizes?
Really like the darker blue of the shoulder pads - I was wondering how you were going to make them more distinct from the rest of the armor.
The weathering on the vehicle is cool too. Are you going to weather the marines a bit as well?
I’ve always been torn between the idea of doing a clean pristine army, or a beat to heck battle hardened force. Maybe something in between would work:P
I remember you commenting on the vehicle weathering before... ;O) In fact you specifically mentioned the tops of the doors being a nice touch.
All I did was drybrush some 'graveyard earth' on the edges and it really looks great. I have started doing that on the edges of the leg armor and boots and it's going to tie them together nicely.
Very cool - I forgot that I had made that comment, though I had once again noticed how the drop downs on the doors were weathered and really liked it. Guess I really do like it:)
Yeah, after I posted I noticed that some of the marines had their legs weathered a bit - looking really good!
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