AoBR Terminators, I might have to get my buddy Val to send me the rest of his AoBR Orks because I love these minis, they are really detailed and nice. I'm not sure these guys are done, but they are close, and I like them. You can barely see the Crux Terminus or whatever on their left shoulder plate, but they were done with the dipping method for shading and I really like the result. you can see it also on their chest plates... what do you think?
So in addition to the little bit of painting I've been doing I also made some terrain. Woods, in my experience is the least seen terrain piece. This in part is due to the lack of good trees to be found in the hobby.
These trees were made with fake plants that I found near a cemetary. Now, yes they were at some point used to decorate a grave (I'm not sure if that makes them more or less suitable for use in tabletop warfare!), but it was after a really bad windstorm and I found this selection a good ways away from any grave site...I'm not that sick! :o)
Here's my Rhino for scale. Eventhough GW did away with area affect terrain, if I ever played I think several of the woods stands on an area marked out as woods would be best.
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