Okay, longtime no post, but since no one is reading this anyway, no real harm.
Anyway, I have painted up (or repainted) some space marine scouts. I decided to try the "dipping" method on these guys and I have to say I was quite surprised at the quality of the job.

First up is the Scout squad leader.

Standing sniper and a couple of Scouts.

2 metal kneeling snipers.

The heavybolter scout.

Some more scouts.
So basically I painted the whole model goblin green. I then painted the camo on the pants and where applicable the sleeves. I painted the faces with flesh. I then "washed" the entire model with brown polycrylic stain. IMO there isnt much more I need to do for tabletop quality paintjob. The brown stain in the recesses, even on the face just make them look as though they are scouts that have been in the field for a while. I may try to ton down the glossy shine on them, but for painted 12-16 scouts in a couple of hours to tabletop level, I am tickled.
I have already primered a ton of Empire Spearmen and bowmen to apply this method to, hopefully to sell on E-bay, we shall see.